
Iz tiska


According to the preliminary and unaudited financial statements as at 31.12.2011. Imex banka d.d. generated HRK 25.3 million profit, while total assets grew by 20,86% compared to the 2010th year and it reached 1.906 million.

The amount of total loans have increased by 23% over the previous year and amounted to 1.319 million HRK. Significant growth was recorded in the segment of the corporate loans where the loans increased by HRK 254 million, or 27%.

Total deposits grew by almost 19% and amounted to 1.549 million HRK. Citizens' savings makes 78% of total deposits, increased by HRK 218 million, or 22% over the previous year. Imex banka d.d. achieved total revenue of 163 million HRK, representing an increase of 20% over the previous year.

Imex banka d.d. operates through 17 branches across the Croatian in Split, Ploče, Imotski, Zadar, Rijeka, Pula, Varaždin, Zagreb and Osijek, and this year plans to further expand its branch network.

Posted in: Novosti EN
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