
Iz tiska


According to the Financial Statements as at 30.11.2011. Imex banka d.d. recorded profit amounting to HRK 31.4 million, while total assets increased nearly 25% over the same period last year, amounted to one billion and 941 million. Total deposits grew 23% and amounted to one billion and 580 million HRK. Savings of citizens are representing 75% of total deposits and has recorded a significant increase of almost 28% compared to the end of November last year.

The amount of total loans as at 30.11.2011. amounted to 1392 million and is growing by 23% over the same period last year, of which corporate loans represent 90% of total loans, while loans to individuals represent 10% of total loans. Total revenues increased by 19% over the same period last year and amounted to 145.7 million kuna.

Posted in: Novosti EN
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